Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Winter Urns

As the seasons change and I ready the garden for its winter nap, there always comes the time when I must toss out the flower plantings in my iron urns at the front entrance to our home. Rather than look at two big empty urns all winter long, I always try to create a display that will take me through the winter and bring a little colour and cheer.

This year, I'm happy to say, my displays cost me nothing... thanks to a friend who lives in the country who brought me these beautiful birch branches...

and these lovely red-coloured branches.

Add in some cedar cut from my hedge, bright red berries from the garden next door, some wavy branches and oversized pinecones that I've collected over the years, and you've got a gorgeous winter urn.

Why not try creating your own rendition, using whatever plant materials you have at your disposal? If you don't own urns, any large flower pot or container will do.

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