Saturday, June 23, 2012

Le Déjeuner

Claude Monet's Le Déjeuner (around 1873) served as the inspiration for this photograph. One day as I was gazing at the poster of this painting in my office at work I noticed that the roses on the table looked like those in my garden.  I suddenly had the idea to try and replicate the painting for a photograph. After borrowing a few items from friend J. who instantly understood what I was trying to do and eagerly scoured her house for items that might work, as any fellow-creative would, I put together this image in my back garden. It is by no means an identical copy but it does give the impression of the original and it was a lot of fun to do.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Peony Perfection

Just like large tissue-paper flowers, peonies are oh, so beautiful but bloom for such a short time that I have to make sure that I take the time  to cut them and bring them inside to enjoy, before a rainfall or windy day takes them away. I love their blowsiness, but my goodness how the petals drop.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The First of the Season

I am so very happy to have the first David Austen roses in my garden in bloom again. They never fail to delight me with their sweet fragrance and breathtakingly delicate beauty.