These are a sampling of the vintage aprons I'm going to part with at this year's Great Glebe Garage Sale on Saturday. Maybe I'll change my mind about one or two and place them back in my collection but most of them, and others, will be there.
To me, these aprons are such a symbol of the housewives of days gone by. They make me think of all the baking and dinners that must have been prepared while they were worn. They are all shapes, colours and sizes, no two the same.
You can tell that many were handmade... some using left-over bits of fabric , no doubt from other sewing projects. Some aprons are plain and utilitarian, others are embellished with ruffles, rickrack, trim, eyelet lace and even embroidery. One of these aprons is reversible, with pockets on both sides. You really get a sense of the owner's style and personality by the little details they put into making them.
Often used as a teaching tool for learning to sew, these old aprons can exhibit all sorts of sewing techniques: smocking, embroidery, gathering for ruffles, fancy stitches and hemming. The levels of sewing skill, from the novice to the more experienced, are apparent on close examination.
A source of nostalgia, these aprons bring to mind a time when not only were all meals home-cooked, but the baking was too... they speak of time spent in the kitchen, hard work and loving duty to family.
For the retro-chic hostess to wear, or just to collect as an appreciation of what they represent, these aprons are a little piece of history to wrap yourself in.